11.05.2022 Award Ceremony "Let's become European citizens"
Award ceremony for high schools in Veneto
10am Award Ceremony online open to the citizens
==> Event inserited in the EU Celebration Day in venice 2022
Wednesday 11th of may 2022 at 10am it was held the award ceremony "Let's become European citizens" - edition 2021-2022 in collaboration with MIUR-USR Regional School Office for Veneto and MFE European Federalist Movement.
Link of the page dedicated to the competition
Link of the virtual Teams page to follow the award ceremony
- Vice Mayor of the City of Venice
- Maurizio Molinari, Head of the Milan Office of the European Parliament
- MEPs from the North East constituency: Mara Bizzotto, Marco Zullo, Rosanna Conte
- Laura Donà, USR Regional School Office for the Veneto Region
- Mariano Scotton, Councillor for Youth Policies of the Municipality of Bassano del Grappa (VI)
- Giorgio Anselmi, MFE European Federalist Movement
- Award ceremony for students who won the competition
Moderator: Francesca Vianello, Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
List of mentions and awards for the 2021-2022 edition
Galieli High School - Belluno (BL)
- Jaime Faggin (special mention)
- Lorenzo Dal Pont (special mention)
De Nicola Institute - Piove di Sacco (PD)
- Giulia Rudello (special mention)
- Giulia Barzon (award)
Meucci Institute - Cittadella (PD)
- Marco Pastorello (special mention)
Liceo Giorgione - Castelfranco (TV)
- Davide Squizzato (award)
Angela Veronese High School - Montebelluna (TV)
- Giovanni Facchin (award)
Silvia Ricci Institute - Legnago (VR)
- Valeria Sinico (award)
- Asma Nafid (special mention)
Bruno Franchetti High School - Mestre (VE)
- Pietro Sinatora (award)
Zuccante Institute - Mestre (VE)
- Marco Castellari (award)

Segreteria regionale
Via Poloni 9 – 37122 Verona
tel. e fax: 045 8032194
e-mail: verona@mfe.it
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it