18.05.22 Presentation of the "Guide to European funds 2022" and the activities of the centers Europe Direct in the Veneto region
Presentation of the “Guide to European funds 2022” and the activities of the Centers Europe Direct in the Veneto region.
11am Meeting online open to the citizens.
==> Event inserited in the EU Celebration Day in Venice 2022

Wednesday 18th of may 2022 at 11am it was held the presentation of the “Guide to European funds 2022” and the activities of the Centers Europe Direct in the Veneto region curated by Unioncamere of the Veneto region, partner of the veneto region channel Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the City of Venice, in collaboration with 4 centers Europe Direct in the Veneto region (City of Venice, Province of Verona, City of Padua, GAL Prealps and Dolomiti).
To partecipate it is necessary to connect to the online meeting.
- Francesca Vianello, Europe Direct Venezia Veneto - City of Venice Welcome and opening on the Feast of Europe
Eleonora Marton, Unioncamere del Veneto and Venicepromex Insight on European funding
Monica De Cet, Europe Direct Montagna veneta - GAL Prealpi e Dolomiti Presentation of her Europe Direct activities
Laura Gnan, Europe Direct Padova - City of Padova Presentation of her Europe Direct activities
Christian Verzè, Europe Direct Verona - Province of Verona Presentation of its Europe Direct activities
Francesca Vianello, Europe Direct Venezia Veneto - Municipality of Venice Presentation of her Europe Direct activities
Questions from the audience
WATCH THE ONLINE REGISTRATION OF THE PRESENTATION on the YouTube channel of Europe Direct of the City of Venice.
The Guide presents an overview of the European Commission's main directly managed programs and is intended as a useful tool to orient and inform businesses and citizens about the European Programming in force in the 2021-2027 seven-year period, with the aim of identifying the most significant funding instruments for our region and to bring the business fabric ever closer to the decision-making processes within the European institutions.
The Guide is divided into thematic sections: Research, Technological Development and Competitiveness (Horizon Europe/Digital Europe/Single Market 2021-2027), Environment and Energy (LIFE 2021-2027 and REpower EU), Agriculture (CAP), Education and Culture (Erasmus+/Creative Europe), Justice, Equality and Social Change (Justice, Rights and Values 2021-2027), health (EU4Health), taxation and customs (Customs 2021-2027), infrastructure and transport (Connecting Europe Facility), international cooperation (Neighborhood NDICI-Global Europe, FAMI), financial instruments for economic and social recovery (InvestEU), Cohesion Policy (REACT-EU/Interreg 2021-2027).
Within the different sections, the main relevant programs are described in order to make the understanding of funding as easy and straightforward as possible.

Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
telefono 345 8358360 (nel periodo di smart-working)
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it