14.04.2022 Webinar " Stories of those who left and neweuropean project for traveling" - Meeting Europe

locandina meeting europe 14.04.22
Do you want to spend some time abroad? Do you want to know the experience who already did? Attend this webinar to know more about the stories of those who arleady left and the new europeans project financed by the European Union!
Thursday April 14th 2022  was held the webinar "Stories of those who left and new european projects for traveling" part of the cycle of webinar "Meeting Europe", a series of meetings with speakers and experts to look thorugh the news that the European Union offers to young europeans regarding, mobility, active partecipation, and the future of the European Union
To partecipate an online registration is needed
The initiative is the result of the partnership of the Veneto networks Europe Direct Venezia Veneto, so the municipality of Venice, with the centre Europe Direct Venezia Veneto and the municipality of Bassano, with the Office InformaGiovani-Europe, they organize together this cycle of webinars Meeting Europe

The webinar will last one hour, and it will be held in the last afternoon to to make it more available to students and/or workers. 


For more info:


Europe Direct Venezia Veneto del Comune di Venezia

Via Spalti 28 - Mestre Venezia

numero verde gratuito 800 496200

e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it


InformaGiovani-Europa del Comune di Bassano 

Piazza Guadagnin, 13 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)

numero Telefono  0424 519 165 | 166 | 169

e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.bassano.vi.it

Ultimo aggiornamento: 04/07/2022 ore 13:19