Blue Lights
BLUE LIGHTS | 5 -11 may
Front of Ca’ Farsetti and Ca’ Loredan in Venice, of the Municipio di Mestre, of the Torre civica of Mestre
==> Event inserted in the EU Celebration Day in Venice 2022
From May 5 to 31, 2022, the facades of Venice City Hall, Ca' Farsetti and Ca' Loredan, and Mestre City Hall and the Mestre Civic Tower will light up blue.
The City of Venice intends in this way to celebrate Europe Day again this year, which falls on May 9, in memory of the "Schuman Declaration", speech given in 1950 by then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, in which he laid out the idea of a new form of political cooperation for Europe that would make war between continental nations unthinkable.
Blue lighting also commemorates the May 5, 1949, founding of the Council of Europe (through the Treaty of London), which has its only Italian seat in Venice.
In addition, for the duration of the event from May 5 to May 31, 2022, a large banner is displayed from the windows of the Italian headquarters of the Council of Europe on the façade of the Procuratie Vecchie in St. Mark's Square that reads "May 9 Europe Day. We celebrate peace and unity in Europe" (in Italian and English).

Consiglio d'Europa
Ufficio di Venezia
San Marco 180C - 30124 Venezia
041 319 08 60