29.09.2022 - Conference "Re-Living Europe with the New Energies"

#EUSEW2022 #EnergyDays

Thursday 29th of September 2022 at 17.30, the meeting "Rebirthing Europe with New Energies" of the cycle We are the European Green Deal Green Deal. Instruments for an environmental culture” was held in collaboration with Shylock CUT Theatre University Center of Venice.

The meeting was held at the Ateneo Veneto of Venice, Campo San Fantin, 1897 Venezia (VE)

The meeting entitled "Re-inhabiting Europe with New Energies" focused on strategies to be adopted in everyday life and mainly on new ways of living, renewable energies and energy saving. In these areas, the female figure often plays an incisive decision-making role within the family and through the management of domestic life.
In addition to equipping ourselves with new systems and devices, we need to change our concept of living, not only by thinking about the type of houses, but also by re-evaluating our relationship with the territory and the continent in which we live, marked by environmental changes that are revolutionising its appearance, the way we move, the seasons and the climate.

At this second meeting with the title Re-Living Europe with the New Energies, speakers included:

  • Massimiliano De Martin, Councillor for the Environment of the Municipality of Venice
  • Bianca Nardon, Shylock C.U.T of Venice
  • Francesca Vianello, Head of Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice
  • Annalisa Corrado, Kyoto Club engineer, "Renewable Energies and Femal Protagonists"
  • Sophia Los, architect and landscape architect , "Re-Living the House and the Planet "
  • Irene Ivoi, nudge designer, "Changing Behaviours with a Gentle Push"


Annalisa Corrado is an environmental engineer from Rome, who has been active in the Kyoto Club for many years and is the author of the book 'Girls will save the world', in which she traces the actions of women in the evolution of environmental commitment, from Rachel Carson to Greta Thunberg. Corrado also devised the 'Green Heroes' project with Alessandro Gassmann with the aim of giving space to and raising awareness of the protagonists of sustainable enterprises in our country.
Sophia Los, Venetian by birth and resident in Vicenza, Italy, is an architect and landscape architect, daughter of the well-known architect Sergio Los, a pioneer and expert in bioclimatics, in whose studies she was involved during her formative years. She founded SOL in 2003, a studio through which she shares projects with other professionals and as an external consultant for artisan companies in the Veneto region, among the excellences of Made in Italy. 
Alongside architectural design, she is involved in numerous activities and in directing events related to the culture of living. 
Irene Ivoi, from Florence, is an industrial designer, an expert in circular economy and 'nudge', a method derived from psychology and behavioural economics and whose objective is to generate virtuous behaviour on the part of the subjects to whom it is addressed.



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Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/10/2022 ore 12:24