28.11.2022 - Conference "The Istanbul Convention and the proposed EU directive on combating gender-based violence"

On the occasion of the International Day against Violence against Women, Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia with Ca' Foscari University of Venice organised the Conference "The COE Istanbul Convention and the proposed EU directive on combating gender-based violence: towards greater protection of women in Europe?"

The Conference was held on Monday 28 November from 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. in Venice, at the Aula magna Silvio Trentin - Ca' Dolfin, Dorsoduro 3825/E, 30123 and online.

To attend in person, booking was required: Reservations28Nov.eventbrite.it
(maximum 150 places, of which 50 reserved for lawyers)

It was also be possible to participate in the meeting remotely by connecting to the Zoom link: bit.ly/ZoomConvegno28novembre
Meeting ID: 868 4101 8081
(online maximum 300 accesses, registration required)


- Introductory greetings

Tiziana Lippiello - Rector, Ca' Foscari University Venice
Michele Bernasconi - Director, Department of Economics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Gian Luigi Paltrinieri - CUG, Ca' Foscari University Venice
Maria Ida Biggi - Cestudir, Ca' Foscari University Venice
Luisella Pavan-Woolfe - Director, Council of Europe, Venice Office
Francesca Vianello - Europe Direct, Municipality of Venice
Roberta Greco - Interest Group of the Italian Society of International Law, International Law and Human Rights, University of Teramo
Cinzia De Angeli - National Observatory on Family Law, Venice Territorial Section

- Introduction

Marilisa D'Amico, Costanza Nardocci, State University of Milan
The observatory on gender violence: the new agreement with Ca' Foscari University Venice

- Moderator

Claudia Morini, University of Salento, Jean Monnet EUPROWOMEN module coordinator

- Reports

Roberto Olla, Head of Human Dignity and Gender Equality Department Council of Europe
The Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe. The evolving function of the GREVIO and Committee of the Parties monitoring mechanisms

Carla Pambianco, DG Just, European Commission
The legislative action of the European Commission in combating violence against women and domestic violence

Mathias Möschel, Central European University, Vienna, Austria
The proposal for a directive in the framework of anti-discrimination action in the EU

Elisabetta Bergamini, University of Udine, Italy
The proposed directive: legal bases

Sara De Vido, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy
The proposal for a directive: violence in the digital world

Roberto Bondì, Lawyer, Venice Bar
Digital violence "in practice": Differences in interpretation on the subject of domestic child pornography 

Patrizia Marcuzzo, Anti-Violence Centre del Comune di Venezia
Protection" in the draft directive: the role of anti-violence centres

Gergana Tzvetkova, Marie Curie Global@Venice
Gender stereotypes and the Istanbul Convention: the risks at EU level

Sara Delmedico, University College Dublin, Ireland
From victim to perpetrator. Representing violence against women in the early 20th century daily press

- Conclusions

Elisa Fornalè, World Trade Institute, Bern, Switzerland

Some photos of the event:


For information:

Via Spalti, 28 - 30174 Mestre Venezia
Toll free number 800 496200
Ultimo aggiornamento: 29/11/2022 ore 12:16