January 27th, anniversary of the liberation from Auschwitz concentration camps, is the International Day of the commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust.
Between January and February 2024, the Municipality of Venice promoted and coordinated a calendar full of initiatives proposed by many organizations of the territory: books presentations, movies projections, concerts, conferences and photography exhibitions.
Here are the initiatives organized in cooperation among Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice, the Council of Europe and Ca'Foscari University of Venice:
=> Tuesday, January 16th, at 5:15 pm Presentation of the book "LIKE A FROG IN WINTER"
A conversation with 3 women who survived in Auschwitz: Liliana Segre, Goti Bauer, Giuliana Tedeschi. This book, written by Daniela Padoan, through some conversations with Liliana Segre, Goti Bauer and Giuliana Tedeschi, Italian women deported to Auschwitz and prisoners in Birkenau in 1944, puts in evidence the different female experience of the imprisonment and of the testimony.
At the Italian seat of the
Council of Europe (Calle del Cappello Nero, Piazza S. Marco180/c, Venezia)
Daniela Padoan, writer of the book, The
Italian Seat of the Council of Europe,
Association Sons of the Shoah, the
Jewish Community.
Information: 0415711099
Free entrance with mandatory booking at the following
=> Wednesday January 17th, at 5.00 pm, free projection of the movie THE SONGS OF NAMES - The Remembrance Music
Free projection organized by the Council of Europe Italian Seat and by the
Association Sons of the Shoah to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the deportation of Venetian Jews with a movie of 2019 by
François Girard who tells the story of two friends, Martin and Dovidl, who were both Jewish children in a difficult time: World War II.
At Dante Cinema (Sernaglia Street 10, Mestre).
Introduction by: Matteo Corradini , expert of Jewish Studies, music and Shoah expert who will publish his new book next year about the female orchestra in Auschwitz.
Information: 0415711099
The entrance is free but through previous booking at the following
Organised by: Ca' Foscari University Venice
info: giornomemoria@unive.it
Free entrance subject to availability