09.03.2023 - Seize the Summer with EURES

Seize the Summer with EURES 2023: the European job fair for the tourism, entertainment and catering sector
On the 9th of March 2023 at 10.00am on the European Job Days platform, the sixth edition of the largest virtual fair dedicated to tourism, entertainment and catering organized by the EURES network takes place with the aim of putting job seekers in contact, coming from all EU/EEA countries, with employers from South Mediterranean countries operating in the sectors concerned and who are looking for staff for the next summer season.
Seize the Summer with EURES 2023 includes the recruiting initiative of the Employment Centers IncontraLavoro promoted by the Veneto Region and Veneto Lavoro with the aim of putting companies looking for candidates in contact with workers looking for a job, promoting the integration and re-employment of the unemployed and unemployed.
The event takes place in English and represents a double opportunity:

  • for companies in the sector it will be an opportunity to promote available job offers, plan and conduct online selection interviews, select candidates from all over Europe and possess adequate language skills, professional qualifications and experience;
  • for candidates it will be a space where they can find job offers, get in touch with companies, hold interviews, obtain information on living and working in the various destination countries and receive one-to-one individual advice from EURES advisers on their professional mobility project.

To participate, it is mecessary to access the European Job Days platform and register for the event.

The EURES Italia Staff is organizing two information webinars, during which useful information will be provided to encourage participation in the event on the 9th of March:
Per informazioni:

Via Spalti 28 -  Mestre Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

tel. 00800 4080 4080
Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/02/2023 ore 12:17