15.05.2023 Cycle of meetings CAFFÈ EUROPE - "Europe and wome"

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Cycle of meetings CAFFÈ EUROPE
"Europe and women"
at17 Caffè Lavena, Piazza san Marco, Venezia
==> Event inserited in the Europe Day Celebration in Venice 2023

Free drink subject to availability

Monday 15th may 2023 at 17 al Caffè Lavena, Piazza San Marco, Venezia, was held the meeting Caffè Europe "Europe and women", second meeting of the cycle "CAFFE' EUROPE", lucky format of the European Parliament  - Info Office in Milan - with the citizienship in which the topic was women's situation in Europe (women and work, reconciliation of family and professional life, women and political power, women and education, violence against women)

Ermelinda Damiano, President of the City Council of the City of Venice
Caterina Carpinato, Vice-Chancellor Ca' Foscari University
Silvia Cavallarin, Coordinator Veneto Welfare-Veneto Lavoro
Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Director of the Venice Office of the Council of Europe
Fabrizio Spada
, Head of Institutional Relations, European Parliament Office in Italy

In the framework of the Café Europa "Europe and Women" we highlight the third report on gender equality in the EU (available in English) published by the European Commission in the framework of the Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025. The Von Der Leyen Commission has put gender equality at the forefront of its policy actions and set out an ambitious strategy for the period 2020-2025. The report takes stock of where the EU and its Member States stand on gender equality, highlights the EU's achievements in the five key areas covered by the strategy and provides inspiring examples from Member States and EU-funded projects in these areas.

Some pictures:

Per maggiori informazioni:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

Piazza San Marco 133/134,
30124 Venezia
Tel: +39 041 522 4070
email info@lavena.it
Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/06/2023 ore 11:26