17.05.2023 EPAS Project 2023 Award Ceremony


European Parliament Ambassador School' project award ceremony for Veneto schools
9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Auditorium Centro Culturale Candiani, Mestre
==> Event included in the Festival of Europe in Venice 2023
Admission opened to schools involved
On Wednesday 17 May 2023 from 9 to 13 at the Auditorium of the Candiani Cultural Centre of Mestre, an award ceremony was held for the Veneto schools that took part in the “EPAS – European Parlament Ambassador School” project in collaboration with the European Parliament Office in Milan.    12 of the 21 EPAS Veneto 2023 schools (provinces of Padua, Treviso, Venice, Verona, Vicenza) participated.
The European Parliament Ambassador School Programme (EPAS) involves schools throughout Europe and consists of an annual training course culminating in the European Parliament Ambassador School plaque awarding ceremony. The aim of the course is to bring students closer to Europe and, in particular, to the European Parliament,  in order to familiarise them with its workings, to encourage interaction between students and MEPs, and to provide useful information to young people on the training, traineeship and work opportunities offered by Europe for young people.
Thanks to the collaboration between Europe Direct Venezia Veneto and the Office of the European Parliament in Milan, this meeting represents the final event of the EPAS Schools Ambassadors of the European Parliament project for the high schools in the Veneto region that will share the pathway this year.
- Andrea Tomaello, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Venice
Alessandra Basso
Paolo Borchia
Rosanna Conte
Paola Ghidoni
Alessandra Moretti
- Veneto schools EPAS 2023
  • Liceo "Concetto Marchesi", Padova PD
  • Ente Nazionale Acli Istruzione Professionale del Veneto Impresa Sociale, Cittadella PD
  • Isis Florence Nightingale, Castelfranco Veneto TV
  • Is Giorgi Fermi, Treviso TV
  • Institute Of Higher Education Antonio Pacinotti, Venezia-Mestre VE
  • State Higher Education Institute “E. Majorana”, Mirano VE
  • Lyceum Girolamo Fracastoro, Verona VR
  • Institute Seghetti - Figlie Del Sacro Cuore Di Gesù, Verona VR
  • Institute of Higher Education Marie Curie Garda Bussolengo, Garda – Bussolengo VR
  • Economic Technical Institute Guido Piovene, Vicenza VI
  • High School Science Paolo Lioy, Vicenza VI
  • Institute Of Higher Education "Umberto Masotto", Noventa Vicentina VI
Ultimo aggiornamento: 13/06/2023 ore 10:55