23-24.09.2023 European Heritage Days 2023

The event poster can be found in electronic format at this link: GEP BROCHURE 2023.

23/09 51 Years of Wigwam: History and the Network-Wigwam Saccisica (PD)
23/09 Discovering the reclaimed lands of the Veneto countryside-Wigwam Saccisica (PD)
23/09 Discovering Castel Ser Ugo, Villa Ferri-Wigwam Conselvano (PD)
23/09 A Walk in the Nemora Woods. Past, present and future-Wigwam Legnaro (PD)
23/09 "Heritage Walk" around and inside the walls, discovering our history-Parish S. Michele Arcangelo di Candiana (PD)
23/09 Route works of the artist Stefano Baschierato-Wigwam Saccisica (PD)
24/09 From the Cutting of Gorzon to Today. Testimonies and evidence of five centuries of land reclamation-Ass. Arcaviva (PD)
24/09 Ancient grains, stone flours and artisan pasta-Wigwam Cittadellese (PD)
24/09 Hemp, on the thread of time-Wigwam Colli Euganei (PD)
24/09 Along the Tergola between history and nature-Commune S. Giorgio in Bosco and AUSER S. Giorgio in Bosco (PD)
23/09 Ae Carte-Gioiosa et Serenissima (TV)
23-24/09 The castle of S. Martino di Ceneda-Istituto Italiano dei Castelli Veneto (TV)
23-24/09 The rampart system of Treviso-Italian Institute of Castles Veneto and Alliance for the Treviso rampart system (TV)
24/09 The architectural sign of Tobia Scarpa-Fondazione Benetton (TV)
24/09 A visit to the old Habsburg prisons in Treviso-Fondazione Imago Mundi (TV)23/09 After the factories. A walk through the post-industrial places of Giudecca-IVESER (VE)
23/09 Stra: Villa Loredan country residence of the three Doges Loredan-Wigwam Riviera del Brenta (VE)
23/09 Su e Zo Detour: Paths of Venetian crafts and creativity-Project "Su e Zo Detour" (VE)
23-24/09 Water Games with fishermen and vegetable growers from the north lagoon-Wigwam Venice (VE)
23-24/09 Rediscovering Forte S. Felice - Forte S. Felice Committee and the Municipality of Chioggia (VE)
24/09 From San Polo to San Marco- Project "Su e Zo Detour" (VE)
24/09 An archaeological experience at Mino Meduaco-Wigwam Riviera del Brenta (VE)
22-27/09 The Body of the Earth-Arts of Representation and the Municipality of Monteviale (VI)
23/09 Casa Insieme, the educating community of the Alto Vicentino-Wigwam Alto Vicentino (VI)
24/09 Observing the heritage: Villa Trissino, the origin of the myth of Palladio-Club UNESCO Vicenza (VI)
23/09 Walk in the Valley of the Mills-Italia Nostra Verona (VR)
23/09 Open doors of grandparents who tell and are told-Wigwam Colognese Veneto (VR)
24/09 Hemp in Cologna Veneta between history, use and customs-Wigwam Colognese and Est Veronese (VR)
23-24/09 Traveller's Festival 2023: the ark of things for the future-Wigwam Pedemontana del Grappa

Ufficio di Venezia
San Marco 180C, 30124 Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it