At School of Europe - Meetings for Venetian High Schools 2024

Cycle of meetings 'At school in Europe', lessons on European issues.
The meetings, which were totally free of charge, took place at secondary schools in the Veneto region that request them at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. The duration of the meetings was about 2 hours and the European topics covered range from EU priorities, European institutions, European citizenship and the future of Europe.
The meetings were concentrated from January to March 2024 at classes in the final years of high school. The activity was interactive and focused on European institutions and policies, opportunities for young people and transnational mobility, and the future of the Union.
The meetings were the result of the collaboration between: Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice, the European Federalist Movement and the Civil and Electoral Service offices of the Municipality of Venice.
Calendar of meetings:
  • Thursday 17 January 2024: Liceo Morin in Venice Mestre (VE)
  • Thursday, 20 February 2024: Fleming High School, Treviso (TV)
  • Wednesday 21 February 2024: Benedetti-Tommaseo High School in Venice (VE)
  • Wednesday, 28 February 28, 2024: Stefanini High School in Venice Mestre (VE)
  • Tuesday 19 March 2024: Istituto Giorgi-Fermi in Treviso (TV)
  • Wednesday 20 March 2024: Liceo Guggenheim inVenice (VE)
ATTENTION: The Meetings Cycle "At School of Europe" is inserted in the Activity Program for Venetian Schools for the school year 2023-2024 of the Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice 
To join to 1 or more proposals, it is sufficient to send an email to:
=> For information: free hotline 800 496200 
Here are some pictures of the meeting of the school year 2023-2024: 

For Information: 

Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
Spalti Street 28, 30174 Venezia Mestre 
Ultimo aggiornamento: 11/06/2024 ore 12:35