School Ambassador Program of the European Parliament s.y. 2023-2024
The enrollments for the program "School Ambassador of the European Parliament" (EPAS), the project which makes students closer to European Institutions, is open since September 25th till October 30th 2023.
They will receive a link to fill their enrollment.
60 schools will be accepted to participate this year and they will be selected in the order of arrival of the request of ultimate participation.
Follow the hashtag #EPAS and #TheFutureIsYours to follow all the activities.
EPAS - The Path
The aim is to raise awareness for high school students who come from different social and geographical educational contexts about the European Parliamentary democracy, the role of the European Parliament and European values. Moreover, the path intends to encourage the interaction between students and European congressmen and to give useful information to young people about education, internship, and work. The Schools Ambassadors network encourages also relations with schools from other European countries.
The European Parliament Ambassador School Programme EPAS involves schools from all over Europe and it consists in an annual formation of 40 hours which will culminate in the delivery ceremony and apposition of the license of School Ambassador of the European Parliament.
The Ambassador Schools are invited to organize an involvement initiative of the School Community and, eventually, of the citizenship around May 9th (The Festival of Europe). On this occasion, the MEPs of the electoral circumscription to which the school refers to take part to the delivery ceremony of the apposition of the license and they give the scrolls to teachers and students awarded in the title of "ambassadors of the European Parliament".
Ambassador Schools have also the possibility to participate to competitions which consent to the winners to be protagonists of simulation days of plenary sessions of the European Parliament in Strasbourg in the context of the EUROSCOLA Program.
Furthermore, schools will be able to visit the new centre “European Experience - David Sassoli” in Rome to know the steps of the European legislative process by dressing the suits of the MEPs. The "European Experience" centre, open in several capitals of the EU, gives the opportunity to millions of visitors to immerse themselves in an interactive journey through Europe to discover its institutions, the functioning of European democracy and to strenghten the sense of European citizenship.
We want Italian students to benefit of this interactive space as much as possible. For this reason, schools will have the opportunity to book guided tours, to join to the interactive simulation of the work of MEPs, to use the conference room for events about European topics.
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