European elections: 6-9 June 2024

How to influence the Europarties' 2024 election manifestos | The Good Lobby

In 2024, european elections are held in all 27 EU Member States from Thursday 6 to Sunday 9 June, as unanimously decided by the Council of the European Union, with the freedom for each Member State to organise them on one or more of these days according to national electoral customs. These elections represent the tenth round of elections for the European Parliament, since the first popular vote dates back to 1979, they are the first after the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, and they also include the election of 720 MEPs. This is an increase from the current 705 seats, a change that takes into account demographic changes in several member states.
The European Parliament is the only European institution directly elected by the people. As such, it is also the only one that is directly accountable to the citizens and can call the other institutions to account, all with the aim of ensuring a more transparent and democratic Europe. As in the past, the European Parliament intends to provide the public with information on the upcoming elections and their importance for the future of Europe. The institutional communication initiatives are non-partisan and take place in addition to those promoted by political parties and individual candidates. Focusing on the achievements of the EU and the Parliament, the campaign emphasises the importance of voting as an instrument of democratic participation.

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In Italy, elections are held on 8 and 9 June 2024 and there are five constituencies for the European elections. Italy has 76 seats available. Veneto is in the North-East constituency together with Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige and Emilia Romagna. The last European elections had a high turnout and saw a reversal of the previous elections in 2009 and 2014.The increase in attendance was driven by an increase in youth participation. The increase was from 30 to 44 % of young people aged 16-18 to 25 and 25 to 39. The Italian turnout in the 2019 European elections was 54.50 %. 

The European elections of 2024 will involve intense debate on a wide range of issues, including the economy, immigration, the environment and security.  Addressing the many challenges we face is not an easy task, and voting is how you can influence the direction you take. Candidates and political parties present proposals and programmes to address these challenges effectively and ensure the progress and well-being of the European Union as a whole.

The 2024 European elections represent a significant moment for the European Union and its citizens. Solid electoral participation and emerging political trends help to define the future of the European Union and the role of the European Parliament in the coming years.

Official website of the 2024 European elections with useful information for voting

Elezioni europee 2024: tutto ciò che devi sapere is a pan-European community fostering democratic participation

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 30/05/2024 ore 10:13