12-19 april European Youth Week 2024

From 12 to 19 april 2024, the European Youth Week, an event organised every two years by the European Commission to celebrate and promote the engagement, participation and active citizenship of young people across Europe and beyond, will be held across Europe. European Youth Week 2024 will take place two months before the European elections, scheduled to take place between 6 and 9 june 2024.

Democracy and the European elections will be at the centre of the debate: the time has come for young people in Europe to participate more actively in society and to implement democracy. The topic of active citizenship is not only about democratic engagement and participation, but has much broader implications for many aspects of young people's lives, including educational and career choices.

Being an active citizen implies taking responsibility for contributing to the improvement of society. How? Not only through political participation and activism but also through training and work. Here, in particular, young people experience a sense of responsibility, belonging and contributing to the community. While training gives them the opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge that are useful in facing the challenges of society and to better understand the functioning of society.

In particular, the Europe Direct Venezia Veneto service has organised the following event:

=> Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 9:30 am at ENAIP Veneto in via A. Forlì, 64A, Padua

"Proactive Generation: how to strengthen participation and the feeling of European citizenship in young people".
The event was an opportunity for dialogue and work with the young people who, divided into small groups, worked on a frame/canvas with the task of co-constructing an artistic work on the basis of elements defined by the artist and a free space that was filled by the young people on the basis of the reflections that were stimulated by a facilitator during the activity. The final outcome was an overall work consisting of the canvases created by each group.

The sharing and exhibition of the works created ended with a reflection and a final message by the moderator and expert who will lead the morning.

Go to the official EU page for more information

For information:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, 30174 Venezia Mestre 
Ultimo aggiornamento: 02/07/2024 ore 12:38