Handing over of the European flag - 26.02.2024 "A flag for Europe"

On Monday 26 February 2024 at 9.30 a.m., the meeting ‘A flag for Europe’ was held with the Provincial Council of Students of Venice and the school representatives of the Metropolitan City at the Auditorium of the Metropolitan City of Venice in Via Forte Marghera 191 in Mestre-Venice.
The President of the City Council, Ermelinda Damiano, handed over the European flag, a symbol of union and shared values of democracy, to the Representatives of the various Institutes, who will in turn hand it over in their schools. A symbolic gesture to involve students, a way of paying special attention to young people, who represent the new electorate, in the preparation process for the European elections and to stimulate active participation in European citizenship by raising awareness of voting The official handover was made by the President of the Municipal Council Ermelinda Damiano together with the head of Europe Direct Venezia Veneto Francesca Vianello, the delegate of the USR Uffficio Scolstico Regionale per il Veneto Fiorangela Giampaolo Gallo and the President of the Consulta Provinciale degli Studenti di Venezia Lorenzo Bracciali.

The institutes involved were for the municipality of Venice: Algarotti, Foscarini, Parini, Morin, Luzzati, Gritti, Pacinotti, Marco Polo, Benedetti Tommaseo, Vendramin Corner, Abate Zanetti, Bruno Franchetti, Zuccante, Barbarigo, Levi Ponti, Foscarini, Luzzato, Cornaro, Stefanini, Edison Volta, Michelangelo Guggenheim, Marinelli Fonte; for Portogruaro: XXV Aprile, Leonardo Da Vinci and Marco Belli; for San Donà di Piave: Leon Battista Alberti, Galileo Galilei and Scarpa Mattei; for Mirano: Majorana Corner.


Handing over the European flag to the Representatives of the Institutes present

Handing over the flag to the students of the F. Algarotti Technical Institute

Handing over the flag to the students of Liceo M. Foscarini

Handing over the flag to the students of the Parini School 

Handing over the flag to the students of Liceo XXV Aprile

Handing over the flag to the students of Liceo Scientifico U. Morin 

Handing over the flag to the students of the Leon Battista Alberti Institute

Handing over the flag to the students of Istituto L. Luzzatti

Handing over the flag to the students of Institute A. Gritti

Handing over the flag to the students of IIS A. Pacinotti

Handing over the flag to the students of Liceo G.Galilei in San Donà

Handing over the flag to the students of Liceo Galilei in Dolo 

Handing over the flag to the students of Liceo E. Montale

Handing over the flag to the students of the Marco Belli Institute 

Handing over the flag to the students of the Scarpa-Mattei Institute

Flag handover to Marco Polo High School students - LAS

Handing over the flag to the students of IIS Benedetti-Tommaseo

Handing over the flag to the students of IIS Leonardo Da Vinci

Handing over the flag to the students of IIS Vendramin Corner

Handing over the flag to IS Majorana students - Corner

Handing over the flag to the students of the Abate Zanetti Technical Institute

Flag handover to Bruno-Franchetti High School students

Handing over the flag to the students of ITIS C. Zuccante 

Handing over the flag to the students of IPSEOA A. Barbarigo

Handing over the flag to the students of IIS Levi-Ponti 

Handing over the flag to ISIS G. Luzzatto students 

Handing over the flag to the students of the IPSEOA E. Cornaro 

Flag handover to L. Stefanini High School students 

Flag handover to M. Guggenheim High School students 

Handing over the flag to the students of the Marinelli-Fonte Institute

All representatives together


For further information:
Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
toll-free number 800 496200
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

Ultimo aggiornamento: 11/06/2024 ore 12:16