Explore the world... Veneto on the move!

The Europe Direct service of the Municipality of Venice promotes “Explore the world...Veneto on the Move!” a cycle of 7 free webinars aimed at citizens, and in particular young people, on the topic of transnational and European mobility.

Studying, training, working, volunteering abroad, these activities increase people's skills, foster their personal development, adaptability and increase their employability. Youth mobility, understood as a valuable opportunity for growth, is the key to unlocking people's potential, regardless of their age or the social context in which they live. The mobility experience should be seen from a “lifelong learning” perspective, aimed not only at the acquisition of new skills but also at the “social and civic” development of the person, in a perspective of intercultural encounter and confrontation. 

Click here to view the schedule of free webinars

The cycle “Explore the world...Veneto on the Move!” is realized in collaboration with the association Eurocultura, an organization that has been involved for more than 20 years in consultancy concerning the world of work and training in a European dimension and with an international perspective. The webinar series is curated by Bernd Faas, Eurocultura consultant and international mobility expert. 

Our journey in and around Europe has continued since 2013 with the series of meetings “Explore the world...Veneto on the Move!” .
Part of the “Explore The World - Veneto in Movimento” project is the distribution of the DVD “The World in Your Pocket,” a virtual lesson on transnational educational mobility on post-diploma and graduate orientation abroad. The DVD is available free of charge.

For information:
Spalti Street 28 -  Mestre Venezia
free hotline 800 496200
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
via del Mercato Nuovo 44G
36100 Vicenza
tel. 0444-964770
Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/01/2025 ore 11:14