07-09.11.2019 Fuori di Banco 2019 - Educational Offer Expo

From November 7th to 9th 2019 "Fuori di Banco 2019", the training offer exposition for students, families and teachers, was hold at the Marittima space at Terminal 103. The underlying theme of the 2019 edition: "Choice beyond stereotypes".
FuoriDiBanco stemmed from the desire of the Metropolitan City of Venice and of the Venice Territorial School Office to meet the needs of the students of the 1st and 2nd level secondary school to learn about the educational offer of the territory and the opportunities for personal growth. An open space for school communities and a meeting place for students, parents, teachers, institutions and operators where they can talk about their experiences, discuss and activate new educational projects.
Choice beyond stereotypes is the theme proposed for the tenth edition of FuoriDiBanco:
How much do prejudices and convictions, not based on objective data, weigh on our choices and on our educational and professional future?
How can adults, parents and teachers help boys and girls to seize the most valuable educational opportunities, overcoming the barriers of prejudice that adults themselves are often unaware of?
The deepening of self-knowledge and of the training and employment context of one's own territory can help facing the delicate moment of transition between an educational level and the following one, learning to distinguish information based on real data from elements not supported by objective data .
Exhibition timetable:
Thursday 7 November 9 am - 6 pm
Friday 8 November 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday 9 November 9 am - 2 pm
Free entry
The Expo is open to all students from middle and high schools of the metropolitan area. These schools can take advantage of a free presentation space.
For schools: given the small size of the space, it is necessary to fill in the following application form and send it to: segreteria@fuoridibanco.info
How to get to the Terminal
Some pictures:
More Information:
tel. 049 7353761
mob. 333 7582105
fax 049 9270599