16.05.2024 Awards Ceremony of the "Let's become European citizens" competition


Award ceremony for Venetian high schools "LET'S BECOME EUROPEAN CITIZENS"
10-12am Conference room, Candiani Cultural Center in Mestre
==> Event included in the Europe Day in Venice 2024
Entrance open to citizens and schools involved

The awards ceremony of the "Let's become European citizens" competition will take place on Thursday 16 May 2024 from 10am to 12pm in Mestre in the conference room of the Candiani Cultural Center - s.a. edition. 2023-2024 in collaboration with MI - USR Regional School Office for Veneto and MFE European Federalist Movement.

The "Let's become European citizens" competition a.s. 2023/2024 for young people and schools is organized by the European Federalist Movement in collaboration with Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice to stimulate active and aware European citizenship. Competition for three-year secondary school students in Veneto.

Link to the page dedicated to the competition “Let's become European citizens” a.s. 2023/2024

Event program: (TO BE MODIFIED)
- President of the Venice City Council
- Mario Schwetz, Director of the Council of Europe in Venice TBC
- Fiorangela Giampaolo Gallo, USR Regional School Office for the Veneto
- Ramon Magi, President of Eurodesk Italy
- Giorgio Anselmi, MFE European Federalist Movement
Moderator: Francesca Vianello, Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice

PRIZE: holiday and European training stay in Nocera Umbra (PG) from 22 to 27 July 2024.
Detailed program of the 2024 reward stay

Some photos from the last 2023 edition:
Per informazioni:
Segreteria regionale
Via Poloni 9 – 37122 Verona
tel. e fax: 045 8032194
e-mail: verona@mfe.it

Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

Ultimo aggiornamento: 02/07/2024 ore 13:01