22.06.2023 - European bench in Venice

The City of Venice with its Europe Direct Venezia Veneto office in collaboration with the Gioventù Federalista Europea of Venice has brought to the attention of the citizenship the European Bench in Venice, one year after its creation, at the Parco Albanese in Mestre, a green space for citizenship and in particular young people, to celebrate the values of the European Union and to bring its symbols to Italian cities through an operation of territorial redevelopment and citizen involvement on European issues.

The phrase written on the bench: "A free and united Europe is a necessary premise of the strengthening of modern civilization," Ventotene Manifesto 1941.
The anniversary of the inauguration of the European Bench at Parco Albanese was held on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 5 p.m. in the presence of city authorities,Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the City of Venice, the Gioventù Federalista Europea of Venice, the EMovimento Federalista Europeo of Venice, and the citizenship.
Following the inauguration, the public meeting Giornata dell'Energia della Gioventù - European Youth Energy Day" was held for discussion with citizens and representatives of young professionals from the Venetian technical professional orders working in the field of land management and energy: Architects PPC, Engineers, Surveyors and Industrial Experts. Venue for the meeting was Bar Double C, Parco Albanese Bissuola in Mestre. Free drinks while places are available. This meeting is part of the European Sustainable Energy Week 2023.  initiatives.

Watch the video of the 2022 inauguration 

For further information 

The initiative was launched in the summer of 2021 by the "European Benches in Every City" committee, which has had more than 30 benches made throughout Italy. The project is free as it is financed by the fundraiser, which has the name of the committee itself, created on GoFundMe by a group of volunteers from the European Federalist Youth of Lecco following the defacement with Neo-Nazi Symbols of a European bench made in their city.
Some photos of the Anniversary of this year:
Some photos of the previous year's inauguration 

Some photos of the debate: 




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Ultimo aggiornamento: 23/06/2023 ore 11:10