26-27.09.2023 European Day of Languages 2023 in Venice and Treviso

#EDLangs   #DiscoverTranslation

#EDL #EuropeanDayofLanguages

European Day of Languages

was held on  

  • September 26 at 9.30-13.30 "LANGUAGES FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE" c/o Aula Magna Palazzo Ca' Dolfin, Dorsoduro 3825, Venice
  • September 26 at 9.30-21.00 "NON SOLO PAROLE" c/o Palazzina Briati, Dorsoduro 2530, Fondamenta Briati, Venice
  • September 27 at 10.00-12.00 "LE LINGUE PER IL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE" c/o Aula Magna, Palazzo San Leonardo, Riviera Garibaldi 13, Treviso
On Monday, 26 September 2023, the European Day of Languages have been celebrated throughout Europe. Venice and Treviso also took part in the official celebrations.

Ca' Foscari University of Venice with the Department of Comparative Linguistic and Cultural Studies and the CLA Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, the USR Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Veneto, the Italian branch of the Council of Europe and Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice - the European Union's information network that in Veneto has the Municipality of Venice as its leader - organised the European Day of Languages 2023.

On the occasion of the European Day of Languages 2023 Ca' Foscari students translated a short text describing the Silvio Trentin Aula Magna into 18 different languages. Scan the QR code and see the translation in your favourite language .

Since 2021 Europe Direct of the City of Venice has been the national representative of the Day for the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe in Graz, responsible for the official website translated into 37 different languages.

As in previous editions and since 2001, the initiative encourages to reflect on the importance of language learning for the integral growth of the individual and the importance of linguistic and cultural diversity as an intangible heritage to be cherished, respected and protected.

2023 is the European Year of Skills! The European Commission has designated 2023 as the European Year of Skills in order to give more and more importance and space to the priorities of young people in policy areas relevant to the European Union and the European Day of Languages 2023 is part of the activities dedicated to young Europeans.

The 23rd edition of the European Day of Languages was held in Venice and Treviso in Veneto on 26 and 27 September 2023
There were two themes this year: "Languages for Cultural Heritage" and "Not Only Words" celebrate linguistic and cultural plurality in Europe. The protagonists of the European Day of Languages are the citizens, in particular the male and female students of the schools of the Veneto Region and Ca' Foscari University, involved in various educational activities for the acquisition of several languages and cultural awareness.
This year the event was expanded with the collaboration of the CLA Centro Linguistico di Ateneo of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, which enriched the programme on Tuesday 26 September in Palazzina Briati with a garden party dedicated to languages in culture, food and art.
9.30 Institutional greetings
Tiziana Lippiello, Rector of Ca' Foscari University Venice; 
Francesca Santulli, Deputy Head of the Department of Comparative Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice;
Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Council of Europe, former director of the Italian office; 
Marco Bussetti General Manager of the Regional School Office for Veneto; 
Paola Mar, Heritage, Territorial Promotion and University Councillor, Venice City Council
10.00 Defending Europe's Cultural Heritage Together. The Faro Convention Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Council of Europe, former director of the Italian office, Venice office
10.20 Promoting imaginaries. The persuasive communication of tourism discourse Stefania Maci, Professor of English Language and Translation, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Bergamo
10.40 Translation and accessibility: new skills to translate cultural heritage Federica Alabiso, research fellow, Ca'Foscari, PNRR, Spoke 6, INEST project (Interconnected North-East Innovation Ecosystem).
11.00 Educating for multilingualism between school and museum Marcella Menegale, Director of the LADILS Laboratory, Ca' Foscari University. Fabiana Fazzi and Claudia Meneghetti, MILE Project Coordinators, Ca' Foscari University.
11.20 Figurative art in the L2 classroom: the Artful thinking approach Marianna Cherchi, teacher at the G. Maffioli professional institute in Castelfranco Veneto, Master in Spanish language teaching.
11.40 Youth Mobility: Living the European Heritage Francesca Vianello, Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice
11.50 Promoting Veneto's cultural heritage through languages. Awarding schools Laura Donà Francesca Vianello
12.30 Ca'Foscari multilingual tour: translating the Cafoscarini heritage. Award ceremony for Caucasian students Eugenia Sainz Francesca Vianello
12.50 Ca'Foscari tour: from Ca'Dolfin to the Ca'Foscari courtyard
13.20 Musical Closure Alessandra Trentin Marco Polo High School, Venice



10.00 Institutional greetings
Tiziana Lippiello, Rector of Ca' Foscari University Venice; Francesca Santulli, Deputy Head of the Department of Comparative Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice;
Stefano Soriani, Director of the Interdepartmental School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship for International Exchange
Francesca Vianello,Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice
Mario Conte, Mayor of Treviso (tbc)
10.20 Treviso's museum heritage: translating museums Fabrizio Malachin, Director of the Civic Museums of Treviso
10.40 Translation Plus. From the written word to multimedia David Mark Katan, Lecturer in Language and Translation - English Language, University of Salento
11.00 Tourism communication between translation and transcreation Mirella Agorni, Professor of Language and Translation - English Language, Ca'Foscari University
11.20 Casa da Noal project. Award ceremony Emma Sdegno, Professor of English Literature, Ca' Foscari University
11.40 Asolo for all project: interactive map. Award ceremony Mirella Agorni, Professor of Language and Translation - English Language, Ca'Foscari University
12.00 End

The European Day of Languages is an event held across Europe every year on September 26 with the aim of raising awareness of the wide variety of languages in Europe promote cultural and linguistic diversity encourage people of all ages to learn languages, because speaking more than one makes it easier to get in touch with people and helps people find jobs and grow businesses.

The European Day of Languages was established by the European Commission and the Council of Europe, representing 800 million Europeans from 47 different countries. Many cultural and language institutes, associations, universities and, in particular, schools participate. Established in 2001, on the occasion of the European Year of Languages, this day has been celebrated every year since then.

On 26 September and the days before and afterwards, language courses, games, talks, radio programmes and many other initiatives were organised throughout Europe.

- EVENTS IN EUROPE: events can be found on the Council of Europe's European Day of Languages website 

- EVENTS IN ITALY: events can be found on the website of the European Commission Representation (in cooperation with their partners in all EU Member States)

Visit the official website of the European Day of Languages

Some photos of the events:

For further information:
Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
Via Spalti 28, 30174 Venice Mestre 
Department of Comparative Linguistic and Cultural Studies
Eugenia Sainz, DSLCC representative for Third Mission and coordinator of the European Day at Ca'Foscari.
Council of Europe 
Venice office 
San Marco 180C, 30124 Venice
Regional School Office
Phone number: 041/2723111-142-145-147-150
Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/10/2023 ore 11:50