EU information offices
In our region

Enterprise Europe Network
Unioncamere is acrtive in Veneto - Eurodesk which is part of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), divided into 500 European branches created to offer assistance and support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

It is a free public European service promoted by the European Commission, which in synergistic integration with local employment services, provides information to those wishing to find work opportunities in Europe.

The European Documentation Centers
They are centers, located mainly at universities, which promote teaching and research in the field of European integration. In Italy there are 45 centers that have most of the paper and electronic documentation produced by the Community institutions.
CDE in Venezia
CDE in Padova
CDE in Verona

Directorate for Community Programs of the Veneto Region
The Community Programs Department is responsible for the coordination and management of community funds and is based in Veneto and in Brussels.

It is a help desk for European programs aimed at young people in the fields of culture, training, mobility, rights and voluntary work.
Eurodesk in Veneto
Eurodesk in Venice
In Italy

The Europe Direct network
The network collects the Info-Points in Europe and the Carrefours of animation and rural information that for years have provided the citizens with facts and figures about European policies, respectively in urban and rural areas.

European Commission, Representation in Italy
The representations of the European Commission in the member countries of the Union ensure a constant relationship between the European Executive, national and local public institutions and the general public.

European Parliament, Information Office in Italy
The European Parliament Information Office in Italy aims to inform citizens about the role and activity of the European Parliament.

Department of Community Policies
The Department for Community Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, established by law on April 16, 1987, n. 183, is the support structure that operates within the Government's relations with the European institutions.

The Solvit network
SOLVIT is a European online problem solving network, in which Member States work together to solve the problems arising from the incorrect application of internal market rules by public administrations.
In Europe

EU whoiswho
EU Whoiswho is the electronic directory of managers and services of institutions, agencies and bodies of the European Union (EU), available in all official EU languages.