Internship abroad

The internship or internship is used to complete the training course undertaken in the country of origin and to acquire professional experience aimed at improving
employability. The intern/trainee can be welcomed in private companies, institutions or non-profit organizations.

Doing an internship can be an opportunity to grow professionally, to give added value to your CV.
Many offers include some form of compensation; in the case of a paid internship, however, it is unlikely that the envisaged compensation will be sufficient to cover all the expenses to be faced (travel, food, accommodation, transport). It is therefore advisable to make a rough estimate of the budget you will have available to undertake the experience abroad.

Erasmus+ supports internships (work experience, apprenticeship, etc.) abroad for students enrolled in a bachelor's and master's degree course and for doctoral students in the countries participating in the programme. Even recent graduates can access these opportunities.
By doing an internship abroad with the Erasmus+ programme, you can not only improve your communication skills, linguistic and intercultural skills, but you can also acquire soft skills particularly appreciated by future employers and develop an entrepreneurial spirit. Find out more about the benefits of exchanging abroad. You can also combine an Erasmus+ internship with a period of study abroad.
By accessing the program's online linguistic support you will be able to learn the language used at work.

The internship abroad can last from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 12 months.
Students enrolled at a Higher Education Institute and/or new graduates who do not know where to carry out a traineeship abroad can register on the platform promoted by the Erasmus Student Network.

The main European reference sites offer information for carrying out an internship abroad.
Among these we highlight:
Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/06/2024 ore 11:27