Transnational mobility

The section contains useful information for experiencing "European Citizenship" and making known the various training, educational and employment opportunities existing within the European Union for young people.
Through transnational mobility a young person (and not only) has the possibility of increasing their employment opportunities and enhancing their personal development.
Thanks to the support provided by the various dedicated community networks, the aim is to create an opportunity for information and initiative and thus promote the active contribution of young people to the construction of Europe.

Eurodesk - European Youth Mobility

Eurodesk is the official network of the European Erasmus+ program for information on programs and initiatives promoted by community institutions in favor of young people (Youth axis).
Created with the support of the European Commission - DG EAC (Education and Culture) and the National Youth Agency, Eurodesk works to promote young people's access to the opportunities offered by European programs in various sectors, in particular: international mobility, culture , formal and non-formal training, work, volunteering.
Eurodesk has been operating since 1990 with the aim of shortening the distances between the world of youth and institutions and between the center and the "peripheries" of the European Union. To bridge this physical and linguistic distance, Eurodesk acts on two levels: updated, reliable information written in a language understandable to all; a network of territorial branches connected to each other.
Today Eurodesk is present in 34 European countries with national coordination structures and over 1,300 decentralized information points in the area.

The Europe Direct Venezia Veneto desk of the Municipality of Venice receives the public by appointment at the offices in Mestre and Venice. For reservations, call 041 2748082 or write to the email address

For more information, visit the official European website.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/06/2024 ore 10:38