Series of meetings "We are the Green Deal" 2024

THE GREEN DEAL IS US Tools for an environmental culture
Series of meetings in Venice between May and September 2024
Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice and, association of the Italian Ambassadors of the European Climate Pact, are organizing a cycle of three meetings between May and September 2024 on climate change and the need for a radical transformation of lifestyles, economy and society.
 Association was born in 2022 from the experience of the informal community of the Italian ambassadors of the European Climate Pact: following the values ​​of the Pact, it is committed to spreading knowledge and awareness on the climate and ecological crisis, starting from local communities , to reach the widest and most varied audience possible at a national level. It also implements initiatives and projects that contribute to tackling the effects of climate change, thanks to the knowledge, passion and commitment of its members, in the belief that "Every small action together can make a difference".


The events take place at Forte Marghera and the M9 Museum in Mestre-Venice. Participation in the course is open to all citizens free of charge while available places are filled.
The three meetings are moments of dialogue with professionals able to guide us along this path, not only for the skills developed in Italy, but also and above all for their connection with Europe and the rest of the world.
=>Tuesday 21 May at 6pm - Forte Marghera - Room A, Pavilion 53
“Feeding while respecting our common home”

Dialogue with experts from and show cooking by Franesca Luise
See details
=>Thursday 13 June at 6pm - Room A, Pavilion 53
“Voices of the climate”

Dialogue with Mara Rumiz of Emergency Venezia, Lorenzo Biagi of IUSVE and two ambassadors of the European Climate Pact 
See details 
=>Wednesday 18 September at 6pm - M9 Auditorium, M9 Museum
"Habitats of tomorrow"

Film screening selected in collaboration with the CinemAmbiente Festival.
Introduced by Davide Girardi of the Youth and Future Observatory and the ambassadors of
See details 
At the meeting on May 21st, the call for tenders for the twelfth edition of the communication and creativity competition “Climate ChanCe” - Climate Change - The Grand Challenge was also launched.
The competition is organized by Shylock Centro Universitario Teatrale di Venezia with the collaboration of Europe Direct Venezia Veneto and Ca' Foscari University of Venice, with the patronage of the CMCC Foundation EuroMediteranneo Center on Climate Change, WWF Italy, Legambiente and ISDE Italy.
The deadline to participate is September 30, 2024 and the final presentation event will be held on November 28, 2024 at the Ateneo Veneto in Venice. The competition is open to all national and international participants aged 18 and over, groups, associations and organisations. 
Link to the 2023 edition
For informations:
Via Spalti 28, 30174 Venezia Mestre 
Ultimo aggiornamento: 30/05/2024 ore 10:01