Working abroad

As a European citizen, you have the right to work for an employer or as a self-employed person in any EU country without needing a work permit. Citizens who transfer their residence abroad for periods exceeding 12 months must register with the A.I.R.E (Registry of Italians resident abroad).
Registration with the A.I.R.E. it is a right-duty of the citizen (art. 6 law 470/1988) and constitutes the prerequisite for using a series of services provided by consular representations abroad, as well as for the exercise of important rights, such as for example:
- the possibility of voting in political elections and referendums by correspondence in the country of residence, and for the election of Italian representatives to the European Parliament in the polling stations established by the diplomatic-consular network in the countries belonging to the EU;
- the possibility of obtaining the issue or renewal of identity and travel documents, as well as certifications;
- the possibility of renewing your driving license (only in non-EU countries).

To apply, you must send your CV with covering letter. In some cases, filling out an application form is required. It is important to remember that the European format is not always the most suitable. It is a good idea to find out how to fill in the forms in relation to the country in which you wish to apply.

Embarking on an international career brings with it many advantages. People improve their language skills, enrich their CV, develop a global vision by acquiring the ability to contextualize their work in a broader dimension and make themselves more attractive to businesses and companies.

The European CV is part of "EUROPASS PORTFOLIO", the single framework of skills certification devices at European level, composed of EUROPASS CV, DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT, CERTIFICATE SUPPLEMENT, EUROPASS MOBILITY.

Access to the world of work in non-EU countries (working visa) is complex and not easy to implement. It is essential to plan your working stay abroad a few months in advance, preparing yourself in terms of document preparation, financial availability and the language skills required by the employer.
Virtual educational module - Free DVD on post-diploma and graduation orientation abroad DVD "The world in your pocket" is a virtual lesson on transnational educational mobility with study and work opportunities abroad for high school and university students.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/06/2024 ore 11:28