08.05.2023 Cycle of meetings CAFFÈ EUROPE - "Europe and children"
Cycle of meetings CAFFÈ EUROPE
"Europe and children"
at17 Chiostro M9, via Poerio 24, Mestre
Andrea Tomaello –Deputy Mayor of the City of Venice
Mario Caramel – Regional Ombudsman for Personal Rights
A lawyer from Treviso, in his forty years of work experience he has gained varied experience in various organisations and companies in roles as director and manager of public enterprises. In particular, he was Secretary of the Veneto Regional Council from 2010 to 2020, holding until July 2021 the positions of director of the "Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione del Veneto (B.U.R.)" (Official Bulletin of the Veneto Region) and of the magazine "Il Diritto della Regione" (The Law of the Region), as well as director of the regional observatory on differentiated autonomy, member of the delegation negotiating for the autonomy of Veneto and of the board of directors of the "Gazzetta Amministrativa della Repubblica Italiana" (Administrative Gazette of the Italian Republic). Currently, following the election decided by the Regional Council in July 2021, he holds the position of Regional Ombudsman for Personal Rights
Simone Padovani – Guido Fluri Foundation
An international photo reporter, his work has been published in magazines such as Time, The Guardian, National Geographic, New York TImes, Repubblica, El pais. He holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Padua, with which he still collaborates on Photovoice, a technique with which he has carried out social empowerment projects for the Ambassadors for the Climate Pact, for EnelX, and for various Italian institutes. He holds masters and courses at the Roma3 University and at the Federico II University in Naples. He has been documenting victims of child sexual abuse in the Catholic world since 2015, co-founding ECAGlobal in 2017 and interfaces with the United Nations in Geneva. Since 2021 he has been the Italian director of the Guido Fluri Foundation's 'Justice Initiative' project.
Luisella Pavan-Woolfe – Director of the Italian Office of the Council of Europe
Luisella Pavan-Woolfe has been Director of the Italian Office of the Council of Europe since 2015. Previously, as an official of the European Commission, she developed policies and legislation in the areas of environmental protection, gender equality and anti-discrimination. She was Director for Equal Opportunities at the European executive. She also managed the European Social Fund, a European Union instrument aimed at supporting training, education and employment. She joined the Union's Diplomatic Service in 2007 and was head of the European Union Delegation to the Council of Europe and the first resident ambassador in Strasbourg. There she represented the Union, coordinated member countries and worked on human rights and democracy issues.

Per maggiori informazioni:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
30171 Venezia Mestre
telefono: +39 041 0995941
E-mail: info@m9museum.it