24.11.2023 Conference "The Time of Women"

On the occasion of the International Day against violence against women of 25th November, established by the UN in 1999, the Conference "The Time of Women" took  place in Venice: on Friday November 24th from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm at Aula Baratto of Ca'Foscari University of Venice (Dorsoduro 3246). 
The aim of the event was to raise awareness about the topic and about how much it has been done, how much we are doing, and how much we still can do to fight violence against women. 
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9:30 am Institutional Greetings  
  • Tiziana Lippiello, Rector of Ca'Foscari University of Venice
  • Sara De Vido, Rector's delegated to gender equality and to Remebrance Day 
  • Susanna Regazzoni, Archive's Director of Scriptures and Migrant Writers 
  • Gian Luigi Paltrinieri, President of the Unique Guarantee Committee 
  • Francesca Vianello, Coordinator of Europe Direct-Eurodesk, Municipality of Venice 
  • Luana Zanella, politician 
  • Sabrina Palmitessa, accountant
  • Dora Gago, poet
  • Francesca Migliorati, gallerist
  • Margherita Salzer, lawyer 
  • Monica Gussoni, Manager of Human Resources Area of Ca'Foscari University of Venice 
  • Cecilia Vendrasco, flutist 
  • Vanessa Castagna, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 
Musical closing by 
  • Cecilia Vendrasco 
For further information:
Spalti Street, 28 - 30174 Mestre Venezia
Free hotline: 800 496200 
Ultimo aggiornamento: 12/12/2023 ore 09:53