16.05.2024 Award ceremony for the "Let's become European citizens" competition
Award ceremony for the Veneto high school competition "Let's become European citizens"
10-12 a.m. Sala conferenfe, Candiani Cultural Centre, Mestre
==> Event included in the Europe Day Celebration in Venice 2024
Entrance open to citizens and schools involved

On Thursday 16 May 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. in Mestre at the conference hall of the Candiani Cultural Centre, the prize-giving ceremony of the "Let's become European citizens" competition - school year edition 2023-2024 was held in collaboration with MI - USR Regional School Office for Veneto and MFE Movimento Federalista europeo
- President of the Venice City Council
- Fiorangela Giampaolo Gallo, USR Regional School Office for Veneto
- Ramon Magi, President of Eurodesk Italy
- Giorgio Anselmi, MFE European Federalist Movement
Moderator: Francesca Vianello, Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice
PRIZE: European training stay in Nocera Umbra (PG) from 22 to 27 July 2024.
Presentation of the special mention to Sara Dukoska of the Giorgi-Fermi Institute
Awarding the prize to Felicia Doncilia of the Giorgi-Fermi Institute
Presentation of the special mention to Riccardo Degrassi of Liceo Stefanini
Awarding the prize to Alessandro Carbone of Liceo Stefanini
Presentation of the special mention to Alma Romanelli of the Benedetti-Tommaseo High School
Presentation of the special mention to Anna Bullo of the Benedetti-Tommaseo High School
Presentation of the special mention to Nora Rexhepi of the Benedetti-Tommaseo High School
Awarding the prize to Giulia Zanon of the Benedetti-Tommaseo High School
Presentation of the special mention to Sofia Dametto of the Fleming Institute
Awarding the prize to Giacomo Perroco of the Fleming Institute
Awarding the prize to Nicolò Calzavara of the Fleming Institute
Awarding the prize to Marco De Lazzari of Liceo Morin
Some photos of the event:
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