da Venerdì, 10 Maggio, 2024 a Domenica, 2 Giugno, 2024
2pm - 7pm

Sala del Camino, Chiostro SS. Cosma e Damiano, Giudecca 620, Venice
Opening thursday 9 May, 18.30
open from 10 May to 2 June 2024


On the occasion of the European Month of Creativity, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa is pleased to present the exhibition L’HABITAT DI DOMANI. CreArt 3.0 #stringing together, at the Sala del Camino, Chiostro SS. Cosma e Damiano, Giudecca 620, Venice, from 10 May to 2 June 2024.

The exhibition, organized in collaboration with Distretto Veneziano Ricerca e Innovazione (DVRI), is part part of the European project CreArt 3.0 #stringing_ together. Creart 3.0 is a project funded under the Creative Europe Programme. 13 European cities will be involved in the exchange of experiences and good practices to promote contemporary art in all its forms: visual, performing and musical.

L’HABITAT DI DOMANI is the result of a call open to artists of any nationality, residents or domiciled in the metropolitan city of Venice aged between 18 and 40. An external jury, coordinated by DVRI, composed of Giulia Bruno, Ana Shametaj and Erica Villa chose the proposals of the following artists: Camilla Dalmazio + Lucas Begendi, Emma De Felice, Enrico Dedin, Yevgeniya Kulikova, Carlos Castro + Federico Tansella, Federico Polloni, Inès Rocques, Maurizio Segato, Giulia Sofi, Beatrice Testa.

The selected works will lead the viewer to reflect on various environmental issues and beyond: how will we adapt and resist in a future poised by climate change? Will the relationship between people change? What balance will we create with the ecosystem in which we live also with respect to the major issues at the center of today's debate such as the green economy and sustainability, or the technological transformations underway such as AI?

The prize awarded to the most deserving work and the DVRI special mention will be announced during the inauguration of the exhibition at the Sala del Camino, Chiostro SS. Cosma and Damiano Giudecca 620, on May 9th at 6.30pm.

The screening of the ten selected works will become part of Alessandro Sciaraffa's personal exhibition The Flower of Mars opened last April 17th at the Sala del Camino: a large and complex installation, built through multiple artistic languages which, within an original path, presents a radical and visionary message that questions the landscape of the future.

The event will contribute to the European Month of Creativity which will bring a rich program of events and initiatives to the Sala del Camino.

Also within the European CreArt 3.0 #stringing_together project, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa opened a call to award two young artists aged between 18 and 40, resident or domiciled in one of the 13 cities in the project network, for a space in Venice (at Palazzo Carminati in San Stae) where they can study and work for a period of five weeks: from 27 May to 30 June 2024. The artists will be accompanied on this artistic journey by the curator Erica Villa.

The artists selected in the network of project partners are Kristina Liulchenko (from Lviv, Ukraine) and Elzbieta Szurpicka, (from Lublin, Poland).

The artists will have the opportunity to live and work in Venice in the guesthouse of Palazzo Carminati of Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, sharing spaces with the assignees of the ateliers. A few days after their departure, they will present the results of their stay to the public, through an open study and an open dialogue with the public.

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/05/2024 ore 09:49