Your First Eures Job

Your First EURES Job is a project funded by the European Program for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), which helps young people who wish to gain work experience abroad and assists employers who are looking for professional figures with different profile in the European market.

What's new from Your First EURES Job 6.0

Also apprenticeship

  • Pilot Action on specific services for trainees (200)
  • Pilot Action on strengthening mobility (support for staying in the destination country or accompaniment when returning to the country of origin)
  • Continuity with solidarity sectors (at the closure of EUSC)
  • Device for online job interviews
  • Strengthening partnerships and synergies with EU/national actors/networks
  • Final certification from employers (based on the EUSC model)

Who can participate


  • aged between 18-35 years
  • of nationality of one of the 27 EU member countries + Iceland and Norway
  • legally resident in one of the 27 EU countries + Norway and Iceland
  • Interested in acquiring new professional skills through work experience, apprenticeship or internship in a country other than your own


  • with registered office in one of the 27 EU countries + Norway and Iceland
  • In compliance with national legislation
  • who undertake internships of at least 3 months
  • who stipulate work and apprenticeship contracts of at least 6 months
  • The priority sectors


  • Tourism and associated sectors
  • Health
  • Transport, conservation and logistics
  • Customer service
  • Scientific and technical activities
Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/06/2024 ore 09:59